Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Learning and Growing

Part of a writer's passion involves continually working the craft. To that end, I recently participated in an intense week long seminar with author Bill Bernhardt. Ten writers reviewed each others work with Bill as moderator and instructor. The homework extended late into the night, every night. Our group improved so dramatically that Bill invited some of us to an advanced seminar in February. I'm already preparing for it.

My success with short stories continues. Chicken Soup for the Soul has agreed to publish Through a Glass Darkly, and is considering two others. Armchair Interviews awarded An Unexpected Dream second place in its Thanksgiving Day contest and published it on their website. Now with what I've learned about how to structure a novel, I'm reworking the four I've written. The improvements I'm making amaze me. The Fifth Step will be the first ready for marketing, and I've received encouragement from my critique group that its good quality. Wish me success as I venture out. I'll keep you posted on the results.

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